Bring our verterans home

     There is something going on that upsets me and that is that our veterans are not receiving the quality of care in VA hospitals that should be demanded!  This should be a paramount priority for the people in VA affairs and our government.  These people risked their lives for our freedom that we take for granted every day.  
     Once more,  our military community is grossly underpaid and unappreciated.  They should be among the best paid professions in our nation.  I emphasize the word "professionals" because they are.  The military is a far cry from what you see in movies and documentaries from the past.  They receive as good as training if not better than the civilian sector and on a continual basis.  But, the catch is that they are putting their lives on the line everyday.  Most people just don't realize how close we come to war and how often.  Who ya gonna love when your freedom is in jeopardy citizens?  Include teachers, law enforcement and nurses in this category as well.  Ok, I've vented--support our military and veterans--it's the least we can do.  



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